Commerce and industry, both in Chile and in the more developed countries, have shown a growing trend towards economic consolidation, both among competitors (horizontal) and with customers and suppliers (vertical), so that the incumbents operate not only under Free Competition rules, but in accordance with Oligopoly and/or Monopoly Competition criteria, which is essential to understand for adequate advice on the matter.
On the other hand, regulatory regulations have undergone a growing evolution, so that the State has assumed an increasingly active and specific role, and in sector regulations (specific to each industry), the rules are increasingly sophisticated. In this matter, we are permanently trained and advise our clients under the following perspectives:
(1) How to enter and function competently in a certain industry
(2) How to optimize your strategy, considering the best alternatives offered by general regulatory standards, such as tax, labor, exchange control, etc.
(3) How to protect, claim and defend your rights, from violations by third parties or accusations by them, before the organizations for the Defense of Free Competition and the Courts of Justice.